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Hellgate Token Master

Welcome to Hellgate® Token Master, our solution for secure payment card tokenization. We offer PCI/DSS compliant tokenization, the provisioning of network tokens, as well as connected use-case based on this secure representation of card data.

Key Features

Hellgate combines both standard PCI/DSS tokenization and network tokenization to provide a secure and compliant way to handle card data. These features are represented by a Hellgate Token.

PCI/DSS Tokenization

Confine the impact of the PCI/DSS onto our organisation by limiting the scope to the minimum. We offer compliant ways to convert payment card data into non-sensitive Hellgate Tokens, which you can store safely on your systems and process payments and other use-cases later.

Network Tokenization


This is a feature that is not available for all accounts. Please contact our support team to enable this feature.

Network tokenization is a way to replace sensitive cardholder data with a non-sensitive equivalent, called a network token. This network token is used to authenticate transactions and is unique to the card, the merchant and the transaction. It is a secure way to handle card data and is used in the payment industry to protect cardholder data.

Network Token Status

The following table provided a overview of all possible network token status alogn with their corresponding descriptions.

PendingA network token is currently being provisioned.
ActiveThe network token is active and can be used.
FailedA network token failed to be provisioned.
InactiveThe network token is inactive, which prevents from using it.
DeletedThe network token is deleted and cannot be used again.
Not availableToken provisioning was not attempted.